Frequently Asked Questions

What is waxing?

Waxing is a hair removal technique that removes hair from the root. Waxing can last anywhere from 3-6 weeks. Waxing is one of the most popular forms of hair removal.

What is the difference between soft wax and hard wax?

Soft wax, or strip wax, is a type of wax that uses a cotton strip to remove the wax and hair. Soft wax is generally used on flatter areas of the body such as the legs and arms. Sometimes soft wax will be used on the upper lip or brows if the hair in that area is very fine. We will always ask before using the soft wax on the facial or bikini area. Hard wax, or stripless wax, is a type of wax that, when applied, hardens on its own. The wax is the strip itself and so a cotton strip is not necessary. Hard wax is usually much better for sensitive skin and is used on the facial and bikini areas.

What kind of wax do we use at Secret Garden?

At Secret Garden Skin Care, we use both soft and hard wax. On the bikini area, we use hard wax. Hard wax is typically also used for facial waxing and underarm waxing. Strip wax will be used for areas such as legs, arms, and backs. Each body is different and we adapt to what will work best for our individual clients.

How long should I let my hair grow before a wax?

It is suggested to let your hair grow for at least two weeks time, or at least 1/4 in. long (1/2 in. preferably), however, If you shave regularly, it is recommended that you let your hair grow at least 3 weeks to allow all the different layers of hair to come above the surface of the skin.

Should I trim my hair before coming in?

Please Don’t! If your hair needs trimming before a wax, we will take care of it. Trimming at home sometimes takes too much hair off and the hair is no longer long enough to wax.

Does it hurt?

Short answer, sometimes. A lot depends on your individual skin type, coarseness of your hair, and pain tolerance. For first-timers, yes, it will likely be uncomfortable. Some areas (ie. bikini & upper lip) are more sensitive than others. Waxing regularly, about every 4-6 weeks, will dramatically reduce any discomfort. Secret Garden is committed to giving every client the best experience possible. We provide numbing spray for you to use before your appointment to minimize sensitivity. We sell retail products that you can purchase to use 1 hour before your appointment which will help minimize pain, as well. You may also take a pain reliever before your appointment to minimize discomfort. If you’re nervous, please give us a call and we can talk you through it.

Will waxing make my hair grow back thicker or darker?

This is a popular waxing myth. Hair does not grow back darker or thicker after waxing. In fact, waxing weakens hair follicles making hair grow back thinner and slower. Many clients will notice that after years of consistent waxing, hair in certain areas does not grow back at all.

What if I’m pregnant?

Don’t worry, you can still get waxed. It is safe to wax during any stage of your pregnancy. If you are in the first or second trimester of your pregnancy, please let us know so we can use products that do not contain any acids (glycolic, salicylic, etc.). Also, be aware that waxing during pregnancy can be more uncomfortable and painful. Taking a pregnancy-safe pain reliever one hour before waxing can help significantly.

Can my medication affect waxing?

Yes, it can. You cannot be waxed if you are taking any antibiotics, Accutane, Differin, Retin A, or any medication that lists "sun-sensitivity" as a possible side effect. These medications can thin and weaken skin making it more sensitive. You should wait 2-6 weeks depending on how long you have been using the medication before you wax to ensure a safe and comfortable waxing experience. Avoid waxing if you have had a medical-grade facial or peel within the week before waxing.

Is there a minimum age to get services at Secret Garden Skin Care?

The minimum age for non-bikini waxing (ie. underarms, brows, legs, etc.) without parental accompaniment is 16 years old. Bikini waxing cannot be performed on anyone under 18 without parental accompaniment. If a parent accompanies a minor to the studio, there is no age requirement for any waxing service. The parent must review and sign the Waxing Consent Form on behalf of the minor and be present in the room during all the services.

Is Secret Garden child and dog friendly?

You are more than welcome to bring your child or dog into the treatment room at your own discretion, however, bringing infants to appointments longer than half an hour is not recommended. If your child is between the ages of 1-8, we recommend making other arrangements for child care when you come in for your appointment. We at Secret Garden realize our clients often have busy schedules and we can adapt to those needs, however, if possible, we recommend not bringing your child or dog. There are heavy pieces of furniture and delicate pieces of glass throughout the studio, which could be potentially harmful to younger children. Dogs brought into the studio must be kept on a leash and in control at all times. We welcome well-behaved dogs.